The 10 Best Freelance Jobs That Pay the Most in 2022

Freelancing is one of the most popular ways to make money online. If you’re looking for work, here are some of the best freelance job opportunities available today.

  1. Content Writing

Content writing is one of the fastest growing industries around. Companies are always on the lookout for high quality writers to produce high quality articles and blog posts for them. You could be freelancing full time, making up to €10/hr.

  1. Data Entry

If you enjoy entering data into databases and doing research, why not start working from home as a virtual assistant? This side hustle is perfect for those who want to do something else besides run a business. Many businesses hire assistants just to keep track of their email responses and social media interactions. And since virtual assistants live anywhere, all you need is a computer and internet access to get started.

  1. Blogging

Blogging is another great way to build your portfolio and gain experience as a writer. Not only does blogging give you practice writing and editing about what interests you, but you’ll also be able to increase traffic to your personal site. Start a blog on topics that interest you such as fashion, food, travel, or lifestyle.

1. Web designer or web developer

Websites are essential tools for every company, no matter how big or small. Whether you run a local restaurant or sell luxury goods online, having a presence on the internet is vital. But what makes a good website? And how do you go about building one yourself? If you’re just starting out, there are plenty of resources available to help you learn everything you need to know. This guide aims to provide some basic information about the process of creating a website, including tips for choosing a CMS, learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and finding freelance designers and developers.

2. Graphic designer

Graphic designers are in high demand. They work closely with creative directors and project managers to help bring ideas to life. Their work involves creating visual elements such as logos, brochures, advertisements, packaging, posters, web graphics, social media graphics, and much more. A bachelor’s degree in graphic design is usually required. Some employers prefer candidates with experience, while others look for those who have graduated from art school.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts employment opportunities for graphic designers will grow 17% over the next decade, faster than average. Salaries vary based on location, industry, level of education, and experience. Median annual wages for graphic designers range from €48K to €95K.

3. Teacher

Online teaching positions are plentiful, especially without a teaching degree. Many people work remotely while earning a living teaching English to students around the world.

ESL teachers are in high demand, and you can make up to €20 per hour teaching children how to read and write.

You can teach kids how to read, write and do math online, and earn up to €20 per lesson.

4. Virtual assistant

Virtual assistants are often hired to assist businesses with tasks such as scheduling meetings, booking travel arrangements, managing social media accounts, and much more. They work remotely and are paid per task completed.

A virtual assistant does not necessarily require specialized skills; however, it helps to have some experience working in customer service, sales, marketing, writing, graphic design, web development, or another field where you can demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively.

The average hourly wage for a virtual assistant ranges from €15-€20 depending on location and experience level.

5. Freelance writer

Freelancing is a great option for anyone looking to work from home. You don’t have to put up with bosses or office politics. Instead, you’re free to set your own schedule, and choose how much work you want to do each day. And because there’s no boss breathing down your neck, it’s easier to focus purely on doing good work. But what about making money? How does a freelance writer make money?

There are plenty of different ways to make money as an independent contractor. Some people like writing articles. Others enjoy creating videos. Still others prefer to write software programs. Whatever type of freelance job you decide to take on, here are some tips to help you succeed.

  1. Find Work Through Online Job Boards

The best place to start looking for freelance jobs is online job boards. These sites connect businesses with writers, videographers, designers, editors, marketers, developers, and other freelancers.

  1. Start With Your Niche

If you love something, chances are someone else loves it too. If you’ve always wanted to write about travel, why not offer your expertise to companies that cater to travelers? Or maybe you’d rather write about health and wellness. Maybe you’re interested in starting a blog about video games. Once you find a niche, use tools such as Google Trends to see where searches are trending. This information can give you insight into what topics are most relevant to consumers today.

  1. Look For Jobs In Your Area

6. Editor

Editing is a great way to make money online. You don’t even need a college degree. All you need is a computer, some writing skills, and a few hours per week. If you’re looking for work editing articles online, there are plenty of companies that hire freelancers like you to help produce content for them. Some of these companies include Forbes, The Guardian, Business Insider, Macworld, and others.

There are many different kinds of editors out there. They range from copywriters to proofreaders to content creators. Most people start out doing one type of editing and move up into another later on. Copywriting is probably the most common form of editing today. However, it doesn’t require much technical skill, just good grammar and spelling. Proofreading requires a little more technical ability. Content creation is where things really start getting interesting. This involves creating original material, such as blog posts, press releases, product descriptions, ebooks, white papers, etc.

The best part about editing is that you can do it anywhere. You can edit while sitting on the couch watching TV, or you can edit while walking down the street. The possibilities are endless.

7. Accountant/financial consultant

Financial consulting is one of the fastest growing industries in the United States. In fact, it is expected to grow by over €20 billion dollars by 2020. If you want to make money in a field that is constantly expanding, financial consulting might be just what you’re looking for. Here are some things to consider when deciding whether or not this career path is right for you.

#1 – What do I like about this job?

There are a lot of benefits to working as a financial consultant. First off, there are no set hours. You can work whenever you’d like and wherever you’d like. You’ll likely spend most of your day sitting at a desk though, since you’ll often be doing client meetings and phone calls.

#2 – How much money am I making?

The average salary for accountants is around €70K per year. However, salaries vary depending on experience and location. Some people report earning up to €100K per year.

#3 – Am I interested in helping others?

If you enjoy being able to help others, then this career choice might be perfect for you. Many financial consultants actually start out as personal assistants to wealthy families. They learn how to manage finances, pay bills, and keep track of investments. Once they’ve mastered those skills, they move into the role of financial advisor.

8. Social media specialist

A lot of people are looking to hire someone who knows social media well. This is a great opportunity for those who love social media. You’ll be able to help clients understand how social media works and what it takes to grow their audience.

You’ll need to know how to use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube and Tumblr. You’ll also need to know how to set up accounts and manage profiles. In addition to knowing how to use social networks, you’ll need to be able to communicate effectively online. You’ll need to be comfortable writing blog posts, creating videos, tweeting, posting images, responding to comments and messages, etc.

If you’ve got experience managing a client’s social media account, we’d like to hear from you too. We’re always looking for talented individuals who can take charge of social media marketing campaigns.

We offer competitive pay rates, full benefits including medical, dental, vision insurance, 401k matching program, paid vacation, holidays and sick days.

9. App developer

Freelance work is one of the best ways to make money online, especially if you’re looking to build up a client base. If you’ve got some experience as a programmer, there are hundreds of freelance jobs out there waiting to be completed. You’ll be able to pick up projects ranging from simple HTML5 development to full-scale applications. Most freelancers find it easier to start off working remotely, either from home or a coffee shop, before moving into an office once they’ve built up enough clients to justify the expense.

There’s a huge demand for skilled mobile app developers. With the rise of smartphones, apps have become an integral part of our everyday lives. And since most people now carry around a smartphone with them everywhere they go, businesses are starting to take advantage of this trend by creating mobile apps. If you’re interested in making money as a mobile app developer, here are three reasons why you should consider taking the plunge.

  1. You Can Make Money While Working From Home

If you enjoy being productive and don’t like commuting to an office every day, then becoming a mobile app developer could be perfect for you. Mobile app development allows you to work from anywhere you choose. All you need is a laptop or computer with internet access, and you can log onto your favorite freelance job board to see what types of projects are available.

  1. Your Portfolio Is Essential

One thing that separates successful freelancers from those who aren’t quite so successful is having a strong portfolio. When potential employers look over your resume, they want to know that you can do the same things that they can do. Having a portfolio of finished projects gives them confidence that you can deliver quality work on time and within budget.

  1. You Get To Work On Projects That Interest You

10. Content creator

Content creation is an important job for many businesses, especially those who are looking to build brand awareness. From creating blog posts to writing press releases, there are plenty of ways to generate quality content. However, it takes skill to write compelling copy that engages readers and makes them want to return to your site. In fact, according to HubSpot research, 80% of consumers say they trust online reviews and recommendations, and over half of people read product descriptions and reviews before making a purchase decision. So you don’t want to miss out on potential customers because you’re not producing high-quality content.

A freelance content creator works with companies who want to market themselves through content. They typically provide creative ideas and content for print, video, social media, and web design projects. As long as you’re able to produce great content, you could potentially earn anywhere from €25-€100 per hour. To find clients, try posting ads on sites like Fiverr, Upwork, and PeoplePerHour. Alternatively, you can sign up with platforms like Creative Market, where you can sell access to premium assets such as fonts, graphics, images, audio clips, videos, etc.

If you’ve got experience in graphic design, marketing, blogging, journalism, and coding, then working as a freelancer might be perfect for you. Many big brands, including Forbes, Time Inc., and Fox News rely heavily on independent contractors to keep their operations running. If you can land some steady client work, you could make money online without ever getting fired from your day job.

In addition to selling products, you can also become a virtual assistant. You can do administrative work for other small businesses or entrepreneurs, managing incoming calls, scheduling appointments, and paying bills. Businesses are always looking for help, so set your rates accordingly.

While Etsy is fantastic for handmade goods that you’ve already created, another great option to turn your handiwork into cash is 99Designs. This marketplace lets anyone compete against “professional designers” to win commissions designing whatever their heart desires. Create your own style and start earning while you sleep.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Best Paid Freelance Jobs?

Freelancing is one of the best ways to make money online, especially if you have experience in a certain field. If you’re looking for high paying freelance work, here are some great opportunities out there.

  1. Copywriter

Copywriters write sales letters, press releases, web content, etc., to promote products and services. They often do it remotely because writing skills are highly marketable. In fact, many people use freelancers to provide them with quality content. You could probably find some great copywriting gigs on Upwork, Fiverr, and PeoplePerHour.

  1. Software Developer

Software developers build applications, apps, software, etc. They usually have a background in computer science, programming, or engineering. Many developers specialize in mobile app creation. There are several freelance platforms where you can look for projects like AppCrowd, Toptal, and

  1. Marketing Consultant

Marketing consultants help companies increase brand awareness, generate leads, and convert prospects into customers. They offer advice on social media management, email marketing, paid advertising, etc. Some marketers even specialize in particular industries, such as financial services, healthcare, technology, etc.

What is the simplest freelancing job?

  1. Data Entry Jobs

Data entry jobs are some of the easiest freelance work out there. You don’t need any special skills or experience to do them. All you have to do is find a data entry service online and fill out their simple application. Once they accept your application, they’ll assign you a project. Most projects take only a few hours, and pay around €10 per hour. If you’re just looking for something quick and easy, these are great options.

  1. Writing/Editing Jobs

If you enjoy writing and editing, freelancing may be perfect for you. Many companies are always searching for writers and editors. There are many websites where you can apply for positions. Before applying anywhere though, make sure to check if they charge anything for applications. Applicants who charge nothing are probably scams, so stay away from those sites.

  1. Social Media Management Jobs

Social media management jobs are becoming increasingly popular. Companies hire people to manage their social media accounts, respond to customer questions, and interact with fans and followers. These jobs often require basic computer skills since much of the job involves using programs like HootSuite or Tweetdeck to schedule posts and monitor analytics. However, applicants are paid based on how many followers they gain, so gaining popularity could lead to higher earnings.

  1. Online Survey Jobs

Online survey jobs are similar to social media management jobs, except that you get paid to complete surveys instead of following company instructions. Typically, you’ll receive payment after completing five surveys. While this might not seem like enough money to dedicate yourself to, remember that you can earn hundreds of dollars each month by doing them consistently.

  1. Transcription Jobs

Transcription jobs are commonly done remotely via phone or Skype. Remote workers transcribe recorded interviews or lectures, then submit completed files to employers. Since transcription requires listening to audio, it’s best suited for people who already have good hearing. According to Payscale, the average rate for transcription is about €20 per hour.

  1. Virtual Assistant Jobs

Virtual assistants perform administrative tasks for businesses and individuals. They answer emails, schedule appointments, book travel arrangements, write letters, research products or services, and perform other duties as requested. Depending on the size of the business, virtual assistants can bill hourly or set fixed fees for larger projects. To land a virtual assistant position, first create a profile on VAsquare, an employment site specifically designed for virtual assistants. Next, start submitting resumes and cover letters.

  1. Blogging Jobs

Blogging jobs are a great way to build traffic to your website while earning passive income. In order to become a successful blogger, you’ll need to develop a strong audience base before thinking about making money. Once you’ve built a solid following, consider offering your readers content in exchange for a fee. Use platforms like PayPal or Stripe to collect payments from customers.



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