Acceptable Grounds for Terminating Employees: A Guide For Employers

Acceptable Grounds for Terminating Employees: A Guide For Employers

There are three main types of terminations: voluntary termination, involuntary termination and discharge without cause. If you are terminated, it is important to understand what happened and how much you owe. Voluntary Termination: This kind of termination occurs if both sides agree to terminate the contract, i.e., the employee agrees to leave voluntarily and the…

Real-Time Information: Pay as You Earn (PAYE)

Real-Time Information: Pay as You Earn (PAYE)

The Payment of Employment Taxes Act (PAYE) requires employers to submit payroll data to HMRC electronically every month. This is called “real time information” or RTI. Employers must use one of three methods to submit payroll data to PAYE. These are: 1. Directly to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC). 2. By electronic transfer to HMRC….

How to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Remote Workers (7 Proven Ways to Monitor Employees)

How to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Remote Workers (7 Proven Ways to Monitor Employees)

Tracking emails helps you see if employees are actually working or just surfing the web while you’re away. Time tracking apps help you see how long each employee spends working on tasks. Task management apps keep track projects and tasks. Self reporting tools allow employees to report themselves on their own hours. How to Keep…

What Differentiates an Apprenticeship From a Traineeship?

What Differentiates an Apprenticeship From a Traineeship?

Apprenticeships and traineeships are similar in that they involve training. But there are significant differences between the two. Here’s what you need to know about each one. 1. What Is An Apprentice? An apprentice is someone who works under another person’s supervision. They learn how to do specific tasks while being paid less money. This…

What Are Non-taxable Payments and Benefits: A New Way to Help Employees

What Are Non-taxable Payments and Benefits: A New Way to Help Employees

Your employer may provide you with some benefits and allowances without having to pay any tax or NIC. You might think that this is great news because it saves you money. However, there are rules about what you can claim. If you don’t understand how to calculate your taxable benefit, you could end up owing…

Why Quietness is Good at  Workplace (With Tips for Success)

Why Quietness is Good at  Workplace (With Tips for Success)

If you’re working in an office where people talk less than others, it might seem like there isn’t much to do. But being silent doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not contributing. In fact, there are plenty of things you can do without speaking up. Here are some tips for staying productive while still keeping your voice…

HR Leaders: Return-to-Workplace Complete Guidelines

HR Leaders: Return-to-Workplace Complete Guidelines

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, businesses are facing unprecedented challenges. In addition to the economic fallout caused by the outbreak, companies are now dealing with the impact on employee health, safety, and well-being. This includes the potential spread of disease within the workforce and the possibility of employees spreading it outside of the office. With…