Steps for Effective Problem-Solving at Work

Steps for Effective Problem-Solving at Work

Problem-solving techniques are often used to solve issues in the workplace. They help people work together better, make decisions faster, and improve overall team performance. But what exactly do we mean by “problem-solving”? And how does it differ from brainstorming? There are many different types of solutions to problems. Some involve technical fixes, some require…

Salary Sacrifice for Employers: How Does It Work & What Are The Benefits

Salary Sacrifice for Employers: How Does It Work & What Are The Benefits

A salary sacrifice arrangement is a way of saving money while still maintaining your state pension. You can use it to save towards your retirement, or you could choose to spend the money now. There are two types of salary sacrifice schemes: 1. Cash / Noncash – This involves exchanging part(s) of your pensionable pay…

Claim Tax Relief for your Job Expenses: Full Claiming Guide

Claim Tax Relief for your Job Expenses: Full Claiming Guide

Anyone who is employed and has expenses related to their work can claim income tax relief under the Employment Allowance Scheme. This includes things like office equipment, uniforms, travel allowances and anything else you use while working. You don’t need to pay tax on it – just keep records of what you’ve spent and how…

5 Realistic HR Steps to Foster an Employee-Centric Mentality

5 Realistic HR Steps to Foster an Employee-Centric Mentality

Employees are the lifeblood of every organization. They make it happen, and they deserve to be treated like royalty. But what do you think happens when your employees don’t feel respected and appreciated? You end up with unhappy workers who might even start looking for greener grass. Here are five practical steps for HR to…

Right to Work Checks: An Employer’s Guide in 2022

Right to Work Checks: An Employer’s Guide in 2022

From 6 April 2022, employers won’t be able to carry out manual right to work checks. Instead, they’ll be able to submit documents electronically through an IDSP for £12 per person. This includes documentation such as payslips, bank statements, tax returns, National Insurance numbers and driving licences. Employers will still be ableto carry out face-to-face…

What is National Insurance Contribution Holiday (NIC): A Guide for Employers

What is National Insurance Contribution Holiday (NIC): A Guide for Employers

The government has announced it will make changes to how regional employers pay National Insurance contributions (NICs). This includes giving employees the option to take part in the annual national insurance holiday. If you are eligible for the holiday, you can apply for it retroactively. However, there is no guarantee that you will receive the…

Make a claim for lost wages or benefits while serving on a jury

Make a claim for lost wages or benefits while serving on a jury

A claim for loss of earnings or benefit payments while serving on a jury will depend on whether you’re an employee or self-employed. If you’re employed, you’ll likely qualify for unemployment insurance benefits. However, if you’re self-employed, you might be able to file a claim for lost earnings or benefits under the Federal Tort Claims…