How Do I Pitch My Business To Investors: Guide to Building Your Funding Pitch

How Do I Pitch My Business To Investors: Guide to Building Your Funding Pitch

How to talk to a potential investor Investors are looking for three things when it comes to pitching them on your startup idea: 1. How big is the market opportunity? 2. What is your competitive advantage over existing companies in the space? 3. How well do you understand the market dynamics? If you’re ready to…

How Self-Employed People Can Improve Their Chances of Getting a Mortgage

How Self-Employed People Can Improve Their Chances of Getting a Mortgage

Mortgage lenders are increasingly looking beyond traditional credit checks and are now turning to alternative ways of assessing borrowers’ ability to repay loans. This could mean that you might be asked to provide evidence of your work history, savings or even how much money you earn. Here we look at what you can do to…

Crowdsourcing and Taxes: All the Information You Need

Crowdsourcing and Taxes: All the Information You Need

What is crowdfunding? Crowdfunding is an alternative funding mechanism for startups and other projects. Entrepreneurs use it to raise money from individuals rather than traditional sources like banks or venture capitalists. This method allows companies to build a stronger relationship with customers before launching products. How does crowdfunding work? Crowdfunding is a new type fundraising…

Future Looks Like For Freelancers: What You Need To Know

Future Looks Like For Freelancers: What You Need To Know

Freelancing is booming, and it’s no surprise why. As technology continues to advance, people are looking for ways to earn money outside of traditional jobs. And while some people choose to work full-time for one employer, others prefer to take advantage of flexible hours, part-time employment, and even side hustles. In fact, according to a…

Roles for The Price of Happiness: How Happiness Can Affect Your Quality of Work

Roles for The Price of Happiness: How Happiness Can Affect Your Quality of Work

Happiness is a tricky thing. We often think it’s something we just “get,” but there are actually hidden costs associated with being happy. And while some people might say they’re willing to pay those prices, others aren’t. This week on Bulletproof Radio, host Dave Asprey talks about how he’s learned to identify and avoid the…

Common Tax Mistakes That Freelancers Make: Here Are Things To Avoid

Common Tax Mistakes That Freelancers Make: Here Are Things To Avoid

Freelancing is a great way to supplement your income and build up skills. However, it does come with some added responsibilities, such as paying taxes. Taxation is one of those things that most people think about once every few years, but it’s important to keep track of how much money you owe throughout the year….

The 10 Best Freelance Jobs That Pay the Most in 2022

The 10 Best Freelance Jobs That Pay the Most in 2022

Freelancing is one of the most popular ways to make money online. If you’re looking for work, here are some of the best freelance job opportunities available today. Content Writing Content writing is one of the fastest growing industries around. Companies are always on the lookout for high quality writers to produce high quality articles…

Invoice Mistakes to Avoid: The Most Common Errors Freelancers Make When Billing Clients

Invoice Mistakes to Avoid: The Most Common Errors Freelancers Make When Billing Clients

As a freelance writer, you know better than anyone else just how important it is to invoice clients correctly. But even if you’re doing everything right, some clients still fail to pay up. Here are four common billing mistakes freelancers make, along with tips on avoiding them. 1. Not including payment terms When you send…