Future Looks Like For Freelancers: What You Need To Know

Freelancing is booming, and it’s no surprise why. As technology continues to advance, people are looking for ways to earn money outside of traditional jobs. And while some people choose to work full-time for one employer, others prefer to take advantage of flexible hours, part-time employment, and even side hustles. In fact, according to a recent survey conducted by Upwork, 53% of respondents plan to increase their freelance income over the next 12 months.

But what exactly does it mean to be a freelancer? What do you actually do? How much do you make? Is it worth it? These questions and more are answered in our infographic, 55 Freelance Statistics.

Key facts about freelancing online

There are an estimated 57 million freelance workers in America alone. They make up about 10% of the workforce, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. But what do we know about them? What motivates them to choose this career path? And how does it compare to other professions? We took a look at some key online freelance statistics.

Freelance growth

According to Upwork, the world’s largest online workplace, the number of freelancers globally increased by nearly 20% in 2020. In the US alone, freelancer numbers grew by almost 30%. This trend continues despite the current situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic. With many businesses closing down, more people are looking to work from home.

More companies are hiring freelancers rather than full-time employees. As such, the demand for freelancers has grown tremendously. Companies like Amazon, eBay, and Facebook are offering remote jobs to freelancers. Even though you might not be getting paid per hour, it doesn’t mean that you won’t earn money. You just need to make sure that you do what you love and find ways to monetize your skills.

People who already freelanced are doing well. Many people are finding themselves in a position where they can no longer afford to pay rent or mortgage payments. They are forced to take up some form of income generation. Some are even making enough to cover basic living expenses.

Statistics on how much freelancers make

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, freelance work isn’t always lucrative because it doesn’t provide health insurance or retirement plans. But men tend to make more money freelance than women do. In fact, in 2016, the average hourly wage for male freelancers was £27.40 compared to £22.30 for female freelancers. And most freelancers make less money now than they used to.

In 2012, the median annual income for full-time freelancers was £38,800. By 2017, that number had dropped to £34,500. This decline is largely due to the rise of online platforms like Upwork and Fiverr, where businesses hire freelancers directly rather than hiring agencies.

The good news is that there are many ways to earn extra cash without quitting your day job. Here are some ideas:

  • Sell products you already make or sell things you buy yourself. For example, if you bake cookies every week, why not offer them for sale? You could even start selling baked goods on Amazon.
  • Offer free consulting services to friends and family members. If you’re great at making crafts, ask your neighbors if they’d pay you to help decorate their homes.
  • Start a side hustle. Many entrepreneurs find success by starting small businesses while keeping their main jobs. For instance, a graphic designer might moonlight by designing logos for local businesses. Or a web developer might start a blog to generate passive revenue.
  • Use apps like Ibotta to shop at stores you normally wouldn’t go to. Then use those savings to treat yourself to something fun.

Popular freelance jobs

Content writing is one of the most common freelance gigs around. In fact, it’s one of the top 10 highest paying freelance jobs in the world, according to Freelance Academy. And while there are plenty of opportunities out there, the majority of freelancers work within the creative industry. With web design being another popular option, here are some of the best places to find freelance work online.

Freelance market share

There are three main freelance market places today. They are UpWork, Freelancer.com, and Fiverr. Each site has it’s own pros and cons. Here we take a look at each one.



– You can work anywhere in the world.


– Low pay.

– Long hours.

Future of freelancing

Freelance work is growing quickly. A recent report found that nearly half of Americans now do some form of freelance work. And according to Freelancer.com, there are about 3 million active freelancers in the United States alone. This trend is expected to continue into 2020.

With the rise of online platforms like Upwork, Fiverr and PeoplePerHour, it’s easier than ever to find clients and projects. But what does the future hold for freelancers? Will we still be able to make money doing what we love?

Leveraging freelance statistics

There are many ways to find and land freelance writing gigs. But what do you know about the current state of the industry? How does it compare to previous years? What trends are emerging? These questions and more are answered in this infographic.

Freelance writing is big business. In fact, according to some estimates, there are now over 2 million writers working worldwide. And while the number of people looking for freelance work has increased dramatically since 2012, the demand for quality content has remained high.

The rise of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter has helped fuel the growth of freelance writing. With millions of people sharing information and opinions daily, businesses are turning to content marketing to reach potential customers.

As a writer, you can take advantage of this trend by leveraging the data in this infographic. You can use it to build relationships with clients early on, identify opportunities, and learn how to best position yourself within the market.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a Freelancer earn in UK?

1. £0 – £9000 per month (UK)

Freelance work is not only about making money. You get to learn something new everyday and make friends along the way. If you have a passion for what you do then freelancing is the best option for you. There are many websites where you can post your skills and start getting clients.

2. £10,001 – £20,000 per month (UK )

If you want to earn more than £10,000 per month then you need to go for a job that pays well. But if you don’t mind working long hours then freelance jobs are perfect for you. Most people who are earning over £20,000 per year are self-employed.

3. £21,001 – £30,000 per month ( UK )

This is the right amount of income to live comfortably. If you are earning between £21,000 and £30,000 per year then you should consider yourself rich. However, if you are earning less than £21,000 per year then freelancing is not the right choice for you.

4. £31,001 – £40,000 per month ( United Kingdom )

You are now at the top bracket of freelancers. If you are earning more than £31,000 per year then congratulations! Now you know how much you need to earn to survive comfortably.

5. £41,001 – £50,000 per month (United Kingdom )

Now you are earning enough money to pay off your debts and save some money. You are now financially stable.

6. £51,001 – £60,000 per month ( U.K.)

This is the highest salary bracket. If you are earning over £51,000 per year then congrats! You are now considered wealthy.

7. Over £60,000 per Month (U.K.)

You are now earning more than any professional footballer earns in a year. That’s right, you are earning more than Premier League footballers earn in a year.

What is the rank of UK in freelancing?

1. United Kingdom

The United Kingdom (UK) is ranked #1 in freelancing. There are many reasons for this including the fact that they have a great education system, a strong economy, and a high quality of life. In addition, the country’s legal framework makes it easier for freelancers to work remotely than any other country.

2. Germany

Germany ranks second in freelancing. One of the biggest factors contributing to their success is the fact that they offer excellent healthcare and childcare options. Additionally, the German government offers tax incentives to companies who hire freelancers.

3. France

France comes in at third place in freelancing. Their ranking is largely due to the fact that they provide excellent educational opportunities for both children and adults. In addition, they offer generous social security programs.

4. Canada

Canada ranks fourth in freelancing. A major factor contributing to their success is their highly educated workforce. In addition, they have some of the best infrastructure in the world providing access to fast internet connections and modern office spaces.

5. Australia

Australia ranks fifth in freelancing. They have a low cost of living and a well-developed education system. In addition, they encourage businesses to hire remote workers.

6. Netherlands

The Netherlands ranks sixth in freelancing. They offer excellent healthcare and childcare services along with a high standard of living. Furthermore, they have a thriving freelance community.

7. Sweden

Sweden comes in seventh place in freelancing. They are known for offering excellent public transportation systems and affordable child care.

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