P38S Form: Employer Return Post Capture (Student Employees)

Employers are now required to complete a self assessment tax return each year. This is done online via the Self Assessment Tax Return (SATR). The SALT system will accept the information entered into the form P38.

The form P38 is used to report the following:

• Income earned during the period covered by the return

• Details of payments received during the period covered by return

• Details of deductions allowed against income

• Details of any capital allowances claimed

• Details of any exemptions claimed


Lipofuscin is a complex mixture of lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, sugars, vitamins, pigments, and metals. It accumulates over time in many cell types, especially neurons. The accumulation of lipofuscin in cells is called lipofuscinosis.

The most common form of lipofuscinosis is known as Batten disease. Two main forms exist: the infantile form and the late-onset form.

In the infantile form, symptoms begin within the first few months of life. Infants present with hypotonia, feeding difficulties, developmental delay, failure to thrive, visual impairment, deafness, and seizures. Death typically occurs during infancy.

Patients with the late-onset version of Batten disease experience progressive cognitive decline starting around age 5 and death generally occurs between 10 and 15 years of age.

Payments not included on P14

The HMRC has updated its guidance regarding payments above the PAYE threshold and now includes information about how to include payments above the PAYE thresholds on forms P38 and 38A. These are the standard forms used to report income tax and national insurance contributions for self employed people.

HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) says that it will no longer accept payment reports where payments above the PAYE limit are excluded. This applies to both employers and individuals. The reason given is that there are many different ways to calculate the amount paid over the PAYE limit, and therefore it is important that HMRC receives accurate data.

In addition, HMRC states that it will no longer allow payments to be reported on forms P39 and 39A. These are the forms used to report income taxes and national insurance contributions for employees.

Form P38A

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour published the following information regarding the Form P38A.

1. When you receive the form P38A, please confirm the receipt date and sign it.

2. If you do not know how to complete the form P38A yourself, you can ask your employer to help you.

3. You must send the completed form P38A to the address given on the envelope within three months after the receipt date.

4. For example, if the receipt date is April 15th, the deadline is July 15th.

5. Please note that the form P38A is used for those who work overseas.

6. If you want to apply for unemployment insurance benefits, you must submit both the form P38A and the certificate of employment.

Form P38

This form should be used if you are owed unpaid wages, overtime, tips or commissions. You must complete it within 60 days of the date you believe you are due any payment. If you are owed money, you must send the completed Form P38 to the Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division within 60 days of receiving notice of the amount you think you are owed.

If you are owed money, but you do not know how much you are owed, you must still file a claim. However, you must use Form WH-4 to calculate what you think you are owed and attach a copy of your paycheck stubs or W2 forms showing your earnings during the period covered by the wage statement.

Employer Compliance Unit carries out a large number of reviews

The Compliance Manager or members of his/her team perform a bulk review of forms P38 and P38A every year during April. This process ensures that all employers comply with the requirements of the Employment Act 1998 and Regulations relating to the issue of National Insurance numbers and the provision of information about employees to HM Revenue & Customs.

Forms P38 and P38a must be used where an employer wishes to provide information to HMRC regarding an employee’s National Insurance number. An employer must complete form P38 or P38A within 28 days of making the request.

The following points apply to the completion of forms P38 and 38A:

• Employees must give their consent to being included in the scheme.

• Incomplete forms cannot be accepted.

• If you do not know whether an employee has given their consent, please ask him/her directly.

• You must include the name, address, date of birth, National Insurance number and occupation of the person whose National Insurance number is being requested.

Frequently Asked Questions

What was P38s used for?

Students often work part-time while studying full-time, or working part-time whilst taking some time off from work. This is known as being self-employed. If students are self employed, they must complete a form called P38S. This allows them to avoid paying National Insurance contributions (NIC).

However, since RTI came into force in April 2013, it became compulsory for all employers to deduct NIC from employees. As a result, the P38S form was withdrawn and replaced with a new one, P35A. This form is now mandatory for all employers.

Who needs to pay tax

Students who work while studying often don’t know if they need to pay income tax and national insurance. They might think it doesn’t apply to them because they study full time and earn less than £16,190 per annum. But students who work part time can still be liable for paying both taxes even though they’re earning less than £16,200 per annum.

This page can help you find information about whether you need to pay income tax or national insurance.

If you are self-employed, you must register yourself with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC). You’ll need to do this if you make over £8,100 during the course of the tax year. If you are a student, you won’t have to pay tax or national insurance if you’re registered as self-employed. However, you could be asked to pay tax and national insurance if you’re not registered. You’ll need to check your status with HMRC before you start working.

Can I get a P38 myself

Yes, you can! You can easily buy a P38 form yourself in UK. There are many online shops where you can purchase them at affordable prices. However, if you want to save some money then you should check out the local stores first. If you don’t find any store nearby, you can always order them online.

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