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P9D Form: Obtainable Benefits From One’s Employment

A PAYE draft form is used to calculate how much income tax you must pay each month. This is different from the standard PAYE form, called P45.

The standard PAYE form is used to calculate what amount of national insurance you are required to pay.

This article explains the difference between the two types of draft forms.


The Internal Revenue Service announced today it will begin accepting tax returns and paying refunds via paperless filing beginning Jan. 31, 2020. Paperless filing allows taxpayers to file their federal income taxes online, including submitting their W-2 wage and salary reports directly to the IRS. Electronic filing is now required for most filers.

Paperless filing is part of the agency’s ongoing efforts to modernize and improve taxpayer experience. In addition to making it easier for taxpayers to file their taxes, the agency hopes paperless filing will reduce errors and help eliminate manual data entry.

Starting Jan. 31, taxpayers will receive instructions on how to use the IRS eFile system and how to prepare and submit their paperless tax returns and pay their refund checks. Taxpayers can also find additional information on the IRS website.

Taxpayers are encouraged to take advantage of the benefits of paperless filing. They can learn more about the process here.

For questions regarding the transition to paperless filing, call the IRS helpline at 800-908-9946.

Before you start

HM Revenue & Customs has launched a new version of the PAYE form P11D. This replaces the old PDF format which relied on Adobe Reader. The new version is designed to work without Adobe Reader installed. You can still use it to read the form, but you’ll need to install Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, or above, to save or print it.

The new P11D includes a number of changes. These include:

• A new section called “Before you start”. This helps employers make sure that employees are eligible to receive NI contributions.

• New sections to record employer payments.

• A new section to record employee claims against employer NI contributions.

• An improved layout.

What’s a P11D?

three men laughing while looking in the laptop inside room

A P11D is used by businesses to detail certain expenses and benefit payments that they make to employees. They’re submitted to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) every year and can help you keep track of how much tax you owe. There are three main types of P11Ds – ones relating to employment, directors and officers (DO), and company vehicles.

Employment P11Ds cover things like holiday pay, pension contributions, sick pay and maternity/paternity pay. Directors and officers (DO) P11Ds cover things such as company car mileage allowances, fuel costs and vehicle maintenance. And company van P11Ds cover things including company vans for private use.

What does a P11D look like?

A P11D is a request for data under the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA). This form requires banks to report certain information about accounts held by foreign financial institutions. Banks are required to file these forms annually, and must do so within 30 days of the end of each calendar year.

The IRS uses the information it receives from the reports to determine whether there are FATCA reporting obligations for individual taxpayers. If there are, those individuals must submit Form 8938 to the IRS. Otherwise, no action is necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions

When do I get my P11D?

The deadline to file your personal income tax return is 31 January 2020. But you don’t have to pay your taxes until 6 July 2021. So what do you do until then? Keep hold of your P11D, of course. And if you haven’t received one already, make sure your employer gives you yours before June 30th. If you’ve been given a P11D, make sure you keep hold of it for your records. You might need it if you are asked to submit a tax refund claim.

What does a P11D have to do with how much tax you pay?

Taxes are complicated, but there are some things even the most seasoned of taxpayers don’t always know about. One such thing is the way in which certain types of benefit payments can be offset against tax liability. For example, if you take part in a pension scheme, you’ll often see the amount you earn deducted from your monthly salary. As a consequence, it’s possible that you could end up paying less tax out of your pay than you thought you would.

The same goes for childcare costs. You might think that because you’re contributing towards the cost of looking after your children, you won’t have to pay income tax on the money you earn. However, HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) doesn’t agree. In fact, they consider childcare costs to be taxable benefits. Therefore, you could find yourself having to pay more tax than you expected to.

If you think you might be overpaying tax, check your coding notice – a document sent to you by HMRC detailing how much tax you’ll owe. If you spot something wrong, contact HMRC straight away. They’ll tell you whether you need to amend your tax return or appeal the decision.

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