CF10: Low-income self-employed individuals

CF10 schemes of arrangement in united kingdom

The UK is divided into 10 regions known as “schemes”. Each scheme consists of several counties. There are two types of county councils – unitary authorities and non-metropolitan district councils. A unitary authority is a type of local government body responsible for providing services at a national level. Non-metropolitan district council is a type of local authority that provides services at a regional level.

County Councils

County councils are the third tier of local government in England and Wales. They have responsibilities similar to those of metropolitan boroughs and districts. In addition they provide some services themselves, including education, social care, public transport, planning, highways maintenance, refuse collection, libraries, parks and cemeteries.

 Metropolitan Boroughs

Metropolitan boroughs are the second tier of local government in Greater London. They were created by the Local Government Act 1972. Their powers are largely restricted to the area covered by their boundaries.

District Councils

District councils are the lowest tier of local government in Northern Ireland. They cover relatively small geographical areas and have fewer powers than metropolitan boroughs.

Unitary Authorities

Unitary authorities are the highest tier of local government in Scotland. They are responsible for providing services at both a national and local level.


Regions are the highest tier of Scottish local government. They consist of 32 separate administrative units called shires.

 CF10 (Commonwealth Fund)

The Common Wealth Fund was established in 1948 as a result of the United Kingdom’s membership in the European Economic Community. In 1965, the fund became known as the Commonwealth Fund. The fund provides grants to organizations working towards social welfare and economic development throughout the world. These grants are awarded based on the need of the recipient organization and its capacity to carry out programs that benefit the people of the UK and the wider community.

ESRC stands for Economic and Social Research Council. Founded in 1946, the council is responsible for supporting research and training activities across the whole spectrum of academic disciplines. Its work includes conducting independent research, providing advice to government, promoting excellence in teaching and learning, and stimulating public debate about issues affecting society.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a cf83 form

The CF-Form (or CFA) is a standardised format for reporting bacterial counts. It was first introduced in the UK in 1991 and replaced the previous British Standard method of recording bacteria counts. The CF-form consists of two parts; the front section contains information about the sample tested and the back section contains details about the test performed.

The CF-form is divided into four sections:

Section A – Sample Information

Section B – Test Methodology

Section C – Results

Section D – Comments

In Section A, the following information should be recorded:

Sample Name

Date Collected

Location Where Taken From

Source Of Material

Type Of Sample

Number Of Samples Tested

Section B describes how the samples were collected and stored prior to testing. In addition, the type of culture media used should be stated.

Section C provides results of the tests carried out. These may be expressed either as colony forming units per milliliter (cfu/ml), or as percentage reduction compared to the control.

Section D includes comments regarding any unusual findings.

Importance of CF10 Scheme in UK

The UK government has introduced a scheme called the Cleaner Fuels and Litter Reduction (CF&LR) Scheme. The aim of this scheme is to reduce emissions of harmful pollutants from vehicles. This includes particulate matter (PM), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and volatile organic compounds (VOC). These pollutants have been linked to respiratory problems, heart disease, cancer and damage to human DNA.

This scheme was launched in April 2015 and aims to encourage people to use cleaner fuels and reduce their vehicle usage. There are two types of fuel that fall under the scheme; low emission fuels and ultra-low emission fuels. Low emission fuels include biofuels, electricity, hydrogen, natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas. Ultra-low emission fuels include compressed natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, propane, biogas and ethanol.



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