Advice on Being Successful While Freelancing and Traveling

There are countless ways to make money freelancing online. But there are also many pitfalls along the way. So how do you know what works best for you? What are some tips to avoid getting scammed? And what about traveling abroad while freelancing? We asked our experts for advice. Here are seven tips for success.

  1. Understand Your Worth

Before you start working freelance, it’s important to understand exactly what you bring to the table. Are you skilled enough to charge £30 per hour? Do you have the necessary experience? How much work can you produce in a day? These questions help determine whether you’re worth the investment. You don’t want to waste your time and energy on projects that won’t pay off.

  1. Know Your Market Value

Once you know what you’re capable of doing, it’s time to figure out how much people are willing to pay for it. This is where market research comes into play. Find forums and groups related to your field and see what kinds of rates people are charging. The average hourly rate for graphic designers in the US is around £40. If you’re good, you could easily command double that amount.

  1. Create a Portfolio

If you’ve been freelancing for a few months now, chances are you already have plenty of work under your belt. Start building up your portfolio. Showcase your skills on sites like Behance and Dribbble. Post images of your previous work and show clients samples of your work. Many companies prefer to hire freelancers based on portfolios rather than resumes.

1. Choose places that are good for traveling on your own.

Traveling abroad is a lot harder today than it used to be. You can still go to most places, but getting there is much more complicated. There are many different reasons why traveling abroad is hard, including visa requirements, language barriers, and currency exchange rates. However, one thing hasn’t changed since the beginning of time – people love traveling. If you want to travel abroad, you’ll probably end up doing some research. But what do you look into? What questions should you ask yourself? And how can you make sure you’re making the best choice possible?

Passport Index helps you answer those questions. We’ve analyzed over 2 million data points to come up with our list of the Best Countries For Freelance Travelers. Our goal is to help you pick a country where you can live cheaply while working remotely. So let’s dive in.

2. Find a good way to get online.

Internet speeds vary widely across the world. In some places, such as rural areas, there might be no internet at all. Even in urban areas, where many people live, internet access varies greatly. If you want to work online, it’s important to find a place where you’ll have fast enough internet to do your job effectively.

If you plan to travel internationally, consider buying a portable broadband device like a USB modem. These devices allow you to connect to a local network wherever you go. You won’t have to worry about finding WiFi hotspots or paying expensive roaming fees. They’re usually inexpensive and easy to use.

You can also buy a wireless router to give yourself better coverage throughout your home. This way, you won’t have to rely on one spot in your house to provide stable internet access.

Finally, make sure you have a solid backup plan. If your internet goes down, what will you do? Will you be able to continue working without being interrupted? How long will it take to restore your files? Make sure you have a way to save your data and keep working.

3. Use AirBnB

Airbnb is one of the most popular ways to book short-term rentals. Guests use it to find places to stay around the world. And hosts use it to make some extra cash.

But there are downsides to hosting on Airbnb too. Like having strangers living in your home.

So what happens when you want to go away for longer than just a few days? You might end up paying much more than you expected.

That’s why we asked our audience about how they use Airbnb. Here’s what they told us.

4. Pick a lucrative freelance niche

There are tons of freelance niched out there, but picking the right one is key. You don’t want to end up working on projects that aren’t profitable. So what makes a good freelance niche? Here are some things to consider:

  1. Choose a lucrative freelance niche – If you’re looking to make £100 per hour, it doesn’t matter how much work you do. But if you’re looking to make pennies per hour, it’ll take a lot of work to earn enough to live off of.
  2. Make sure it fits your skill set – A great way to find a freelance niche is to think about what you like to do. Do you love writing? Then maybe start freelancing as a ghostwriter. Or perhaps you’re really good with Photoshop. Maybe you could become a graphic designer.
  3. Find a niche that matches your personality – When choosing a freelance niche, think about what type of person you are. Are you outgoing and social? Great, try becoming a personal trainer. Or maybe you prefer to spend your free time alone. In that case, maybe you should go into interior design.
  4. Pick a lucrative niche – There are lots of freelance niches out there, but you shouldn’t just pick the most popular ones. Instead, look for those that offer high payouts. For example, I’m making around £30/hour as a freelance writer, but I’ve been able to increase my earnings to over £50/hour because I picked a lucrative freelance niche.
  5. Be flexible – As a freelancer, you’ll often be asked to work on multiple projects at once. This means you’ll likely have to switch up your freelance niche every now and again. However, flexibility is important. If you’re not willing to switch up your freelance career, you might end up stuck in a rut.
  6. Consider starting a blog – Blogging isn’t always easy, but it does give you the opportunity to build a strong online presence. Plus, many people use blogs to supplement their income. And if you write well, you could even turn your blog into a freelance writing gig.

5. Be mindful of time zone

Working remotely is becoming increasingly popular among freelancers. This allows people to work according to their schedule rather than having to adhere to someone else’s. However, it does come with some challenges such as being able to communicate effectively over long distances.

When working remotely, you should make sure you are aware of the time difference between you and your client so you can adjust accordingly.

Another thing to consider is daylight savings time. In many countries, including the United States, there is a spring forward and fall back each year. During this transition period, the clocks move one hour ahead during the summer months and one hour behind during the winter months. So if you are based in New Jersey, you might want to avoid applying for jobs in California because you won’t be able to talk to your clients until the following week.

6. Remember to work while traveling

Traveling can be great, especially when it comes to seeing new places and meeting people along the way. But there are some things you shouldn’t do while traveling, such as working too much. If you want to make sure you don’t burn out during your travels, here are six tips to keep in mind.

  1. Charge Enough To Live Off Of

You might think you can save money by cutting corners on living expenses, but that could actually end up costing you more in the long run. You’ll find yourself struggling to pay bills, eat well, and enjoy life without having to worry about how you’re going to survive. Instead, charge enough to cover your basic needs, like rent, food, and transportation.

  1. Be Willing To Invest In Yourself

If you want to really take advantage of travel opportunities, you need to invest in yourself. This includes taking classes, learning skills, and getting training. When you’re ready to start earning, you’ll feel confident that you’ve got what it takes to succeed.

  1. Find Ways To Earn Extra Cash As A Freelance Writer

There are plenty of ways to earn extra cash while traveling, including writing articles, blogging, and freelance editing. However, some of the best options require no special equipment or experience. For example, you can always write reviews of hotels, restaurants, attractions, and activities. You can even offer to review products and services for businesses.

7. Anticipate your freelance due dates.

When you work as a freelancer, it’s important to set up a system that allows you to finish projects ahead of schedule. You might even want to consider working remotely or traveling to different locations to ensure you keep moving forward.

Frequently Asked Questions

What to take on your freelance travel adventure

The biggest mistake I see freelancers make is trying to pack too many things into one bag. You don’t want to overstuff it because you won’t fit everything you need into there. Instead, focus on packing just enough gear for the trip so you aren’t weighed down once you arrive. Here are some tips to help you out:

  1. Make sure to bring a backpack that fits comfortably. If you wear glasses, make sure the strap doesn’t dig into your face. Also, try to find a backpack that isn’t too heavy; you don’t want anything weighing you down while traveling.
  2. Bring clothes for both hot and cold weather. Depending where you’re going, you might even need different outfits – like shorts and sandals for summer, long pants and a jacket for winter.
  3. Keep a small notebook handy. Write down important information such as flight numbers/times, hotel addresses, restaurant recommendations, and directions.
  4. Pack light snacks and drinks. You’ll probably want something healthy to eat during flights, so keep granola bars, nuts, apples, bananas, and bottled water in your bag. For beverages, consider bringing coffee beans or tea bags so you can brew yourself a cup of joe.
  5. Include toiletries, sunscreen, and bug spray. These items are essentials no matter where you’re traveling. Plus, you never know when you’ll run into the bathroom unexpectedly.
  6. Have a comfortable pair of shoes. Whether you’re walking around the city or exploring nature trails, having good footwear makes a world of difference.

How can I manage my time most effectively as a freelancer?

Google Calendar

This one is pretty obvious. If you’re reading this post, chances are you already know how powerful Google Calendar is. But it’s worth mentioning again. Google Calendar is just such an amazing tool. You can sync it across devices, set reminders, and view your calendar online. I recommend setting up a separate calendar for each client you work with. This way you’ll always know exactly what you’re supposed to be working on.


If you haven’t heard of Asana yet, you probably soon will. It’s a task management software that helps you organize projects, tasks, and ideas into manageable chunks. You can assign deadlines, add notes, and mark off completed items. Best part is, it syncs across multiple platforms. So you can access everything from anywhere.

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