How to Register a Company Name A Small Business Guide to the United Kingdom

Registering a company name is one of those things that most people don’t think about doing. But registering a company name is actually quite straightforward. You just need to do it correctly. Here are some tips on how to register a company name.

1. Choose a good domain name

The best way to choose a good domain name is to use a free online tool like They offer great tools to find a suitable domain name.

2. Get a trademark

If you want to avoid someone else taking your company name, you need to register it as a trademark. This protects your brand against anyone else trying to copy it.

3. Register your company name

You can register your company name either with Companies House or with the Office of Fair Trading. Both options require you to fill out forms and pay fees.

Free guide to registering a business name

Registering a company name is one of those things that seem like it shouldn’t be too difficult. After all, there are just a few rules and guidelines to follow. However, it turns out that there are actually a lot of steps involved in registering a business name. In fact, we’ve put together a free guide to help you register your company name.

There are several different types of companies that require registration of names, including limited liability partnerships, corporations, associations, and unincorporated organizations. Each type of company requires slightly different information, and each type of company needs to file certain documents with the government. This includes filing a certificate of incorporation, a certificate of organization, and a statement of change of registered office.

In addition, some states require additional paperwork such as a fictitious business name statement. These requirements vary depending on where you live and what type of company you’re starting. For example, California requires a fictitious business name statement, while New York doesn’t.

We’ll go over everything you need to know about registering your company name in our free guide. We’ll start by explaining how to choose your business name, and then we’ll explain how to register your business name online. Finally, we’ll cover how to fill out the necessary forms and submit them to the appropriate authorities.

Do I need to register a business name as a sole trader?

The law states you do not need to register your business name as a sole proprietorship, partnership or limited liability company (LLC). However, registering your business name could help protect your assets from being seized by creditors. If you are registered under another name, it could mean you are liable for debts incurred while operating under that name.

If you run a small business, you might want to consider registering your business name. You can use our free online tool to check whether your business name is available.

What is incorporation in business?

A business incorporated under UK law is called a company. A company is owned by shareholders, who each hold shares in it. Shareholders make decisions about how the company operates, such as what products to sell and where to invest money. They elect directors to run the company, and those directors decide whether the company needs to raise extra funds to continue operating. Directors also appoint auditors to check the books, and they decide how much profit the company makes.

Shareholders cannot buy shares in a company unless it is registered with Companies House. This means that the company must provide information about itself, like its name, address, date of registration, number of employees, and so on. If the company does not comply with the rules, it could lose its registration.

Companies must pay corporation tax, based on the amount of profit they make during the year. When the government collects corporation tax, it uses the same system as income tax.

The main difference between a company and a partnership is that a company is treated as separate legal person. Partnerships do not have separate legal personality; they are just groups of people working together. So, partners cannot sue one another in court. However, they can sign contracts and enter into agreements.

A company can have many shareholders. For example, a family might set up a company to manage the family home. Each member of the family owns shares in the company.

There are three types of company:

• Sole trader – One person runs the company. He or she is known as the “sole trader”.

Choosing your name

A great name is essential for success. If you want to stand out from the crowd, you need a catchy name that people will remember. But how do you choose one? There are plenty of tools online that claim to help you come up with a great name. Unfortunately, many of those tools aren’t very reliable. They’re either too complicated, or they won’t even give you a list of possible names. So what does work? We’ve put together a simple guide to choosing a name for your business.

Step 1: Decide What You Want Your Company To Be Called

The first step is deciding exactly what type of business you want to start. Do you want to sell products? Or maybe provide a service? Maybe you want to run a blog? Whatever it is, make sure you know exactly what you want your company to be called.

Step 2: Find Out How Many Names Are Available

Now that you know what you want your company name to be, it’s time to look into whether there are already companies with similar names. This way you’ll avoid naming conflicts with existing businesses. All you need to do is go to a domain registrar such as GoDaddy, and enter your desired keyword(s). Then simply select the “Find Similar Domains” option. For example, if you wanted to register the domain name “”, you’d just enter into the box labeled “Enter Domain”. Next, scroll down and check the boxes next to each domain name listed. Once you see one that matches your criteria, click “Search Now” and you’ll be taken to a page where you can compare the domains side-by-side.

Step 3: Pick the Best Name

Once you’ve found a few potential names, take a moment to consider which ones sound best. Remember, you’re trying to come up with a name that sounds professional, memorable, and easy to spell. Try to pick a name that doesn’t include numbers, hyphens, or special symbols. Also try to avoid words that are commonly used in other industries.

Check your name is unique

The internet is full of businesses that are trying to take advantage of consumers’ desire to buy products online. In fact, there are over 2 billion active ecommerce sites worldwide, according to But how do you know whether your brand name is being used by someone else? You could ask around, but that might cost money. Or you could just check yourself. Here’s what you need to look out for:

1. Is your name spelled correctly?

2. Are the words capitalized?

3. Does your word include numbers?

4. Do the letters match up with the rest of your brand?

5. Have you checked your brand against other brands?

6. Has anyone else registered your name?

Don’t be offensive

– what do you think about these brands’ names?

The internet is full of brand names that make us cringe. We’ve compiled a list of some of the most offensive ones out there. Some of these names are just plain wrong, while others are downright racist. But we’re sure you’ll agree that none of these names deserve to be called “brands.”

1. KFC

2. Taco Bell

3. Starbucks

4. McDonald’s

5. Subway

6. Burger King

Avoid sensitive words and phrases

If you want to avoid potential legal issues, it pays to know what words and phrases might trip up trademark law enforcement officers. Here are some examples of common brand names that could lead to trouble:

• “The.” This word is used to describe things like “the United States,” “the Internet,” and “the World Wide Web.” If you use it in your brand name, you risk being accused of trying to pass off another company’s product as yours.

• “Inc.” Many people think that “incorporated” means something different than “incorporated,” but that’s not true. Incorporation simply refers to how a corporation is formed. So, if you incorporate your company, don’t call yourself “Incorporated.” Instead, say “a Corporation.”

• “The.” A lot of people assume that if you’re incorporating, you must mean “the.” But that’s not necessarily true. You could just be forming a limited liability company, LLC, or an unincorporated association. So, if you’re incorporating, make sure you use the proper terminology.

• “The.” Another one of those little words that can cause big headaches. “The” is often used to refer to “their” or “them.” For example, “I’m the CEO of XYZ Corp.,” or “They’re the ones who stole my idea!” In fact, many people mistakenly believe that “the” automatically makes something plural. So, if you use “the” in your brand name, make sure you’re referring to only one thing.

• “The” and “Company.” These words can both be problematic. When someone says “the Company,” they usually mean “our company.” However, if you use “company” in your brand name without adding the definite article (“the”), you risk confusing customers into thinking that there are multiple companies named “Company.”

• “The” or “Company.” Sometimes, even the most careful marketers forget about the importance of capitalization. Make sure that your brand name uses proper capitalization. Capitalize every letter in your brand name, including punctuation marks. And remember that the term “brand” itself is always lowercase.

Register with Companies House

Companies House is the UK government body responsible for registering companies, limited liability partnerships, LLPs and charities in England & Wales. They provide information about registered companies including name changes, directorships, accounts, contact details and more.

The process of registering with Companies House is easy and straightforward. There are no legal requirements to register your company; however, you must do it within 28 days of setting up your company. If you fail to meet this deadline, you could face penalties.

If you’re thinking of starting a business, we recommend registering with Companies House as soon as possible.

Get a certificate of incorporation

A certificate of incorporation is issued once you register your company with Companies House. This document contains information about your company such as its legal address, directors, shareholders and directors’ names. You’ll receive it within 2 weeks.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I reserve a company name?

You can’t reserve a company name. You can use it, but there are no guarantees. If someone else already owns it, you won’t be able to use it. And even if someone doesn’t own it, it might still be taken away from you.

Can I register without trading?

If you want to protect yourself from being taken advantage of by scammers, you might consider registering a dormant company. You can do this whether you intend to start trading or not. A dormant company can help you avoid becoming embroiled in disputes over ownership of a trademark or copyright.

You don’t have to actually trade to set one up. All you need is £15, plus VAT, and you can register a company with just the same name as yours – no matter what type of business you run.

However, there are some rules about how long you can keep your dormant company inactive. If you haven’t told HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) within three months of opening it, you could face fines. But you can still use your dormant company to protect trademarks and copyrights. And if you decide to reactivate it later, you’ll have to tell HMRC within six months.

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