What Is a Tax Rebate? What Is It & How to Claim

The Government announced that it will provide £1 billion worth of grants to help households save money on energy bills. There are four different categories of grant available to those living in Band D, E and F areas. These include:

• A discretionary grant of up to £500 per property;

• An annual allowance of £200 per person;

• Energy efficiency measures such as insulation and double glazing;

• A discount on domestic appliances.

People who live in band E and above should apply for the discretionary grant if they haven’t already applied. They will also qualify for a reduction in their Council Tax bill.

Who can get this £150 rebate?

The government announced it will give homeowners up to £150 off the cost of building a second home. The scheme will run for five years from April 1st 2018 and is open to anyone buying a property worth under £150,000. A maximum of four people can claim each.

The rules apply to new builds, extensions, conversions and refurbishments. You must build a brand new house, rather than renovate an existing one. And you cannot use the money to buy another property.

You don’t even need to live in the UK to take advantage of the scheme. But if you do, you’ll need to prove that you are a British citizen or resident. If you want to find out how much you could save, check our calculator here.

Who is eligible

The government has launched a campaign to encourage people to register for the NHS 111 helpline. The aim is to ensure that everyone who needs help gets it quickly and easily. If you are unsure whether you qualify for free healthcare, check out our guide to eligibility.

Who is not eligible

Local authorities cannot claim back council rebate if the property is an Housing Management Organisation (HMO). This includes flats, maisonettes, houses, bungalows, terraced properties and detached homes.

A property which is not occupied, such as holiday accommodation, is considered empty for the purposes of claiming council tax rebate. However, you are still required to pay the full amount of council tax due.

You must register as the responsible person for any council tax payments paid on behalf of a family members. If you do not complete this form, you could lose out on up to £1,100 worth of council tax relief.

If you are unsure whether you qualify for council tax relief, contact us today.

When will I get the £150?

If you’re one of those people who pays Council Tax by direct debit and haven’t received the £150 rebate yet, it might be because you didn’t submit the application form before 31 March 2022 – the deadline for applying for the rebate. You can still do so though, even if you missed out on the deadline. Read on to find out how.

What happens if I don’t pay my council tax and someone else does?

If you pay your Council Tax via Direct Debit but the name on the bank account doesn’t match the name on your bill, you’ll need to complete a form online. This allows you to change the name on the bank statement to match the name on your invoice. Once completed, you’ll receive a refund within 30 working days.

Joint and severally liable cases

The government is planning to introduce legislation which will make people jointly and severally liable for councils’ debts. This could mean that if one person fails to pay their council tax bill, it will be passed onto others within the same family.

This follows the recent announcement that the government plans to abolish the “right to appeal” against local authority debt collection decisions. In theory, this means that those who are unable to afford paying their bills will no longer have the opportunity to challenge the decision to take action against them.

Councils are already allowed to recover debts from members of the public who fail to pay their rent or mortgage payments. However, there is no legal basis for making someone responsible for another member of their family.

A spokesperson for Citizens Advice told HuffPost UK: “We’re worried about what this might mean for vulnerable families. If one person falls behind on their council tax, it won’t just affect themselves – it’ll impact everyone else in the house.”

What if my family doesn’t qualify?

The government says it wants to make sure everyone gets the same amount of support under Universal Credit. But some households won’t be able to claim benefits because they aren’t eligible for Universal Credit. They might be living in an area without enough homes being built to meet demand, or they might be ineligible because they don’t live in one of the designated localities. And even if they do live in a location covered by the new system, they might still be unable to claim Universal Credit.

Universal Credit replaces six existing benefits, including Housing Benefit, Income Support, Jobseeker’s Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance, Child Tax Credits, and Working Tax Credit. It aims to simplify the benefit system and reduce fraud.

In a statement, the government said: “We want to ensure that no one misses out on the financial support they deserve.” However, it added that people who are not eligible for universal credit or those living outside of areas covered by the new system would be helped through a separate discretionary scheme, and that there would be a separate discretionary scheme that helps people who don’ t qualify for universal credit.

Applied more than 14 days ago and I haven’t received a payment?

If you applied for a prepayment check for your energy bill and haven’t heard anything back within 14 days, you might be wondering what happened. The good news is that you can still claim your money back, even though you have been given no indication that the money has been paid into your account.

The government is offering £150 of free electricity bills to people affected by recent price hikes. The scheme applies to those who pay their bills online or over the phone. Those applying for the cash must do so before 1 April 2021. They must live in England, Scotland or Wales.

To qualify, you must have paid your utility bill on or before 31 December 2020, and you must have prepaid your bill for at least three months. You must also have had an active bank account for at least six months prior to making your application.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when a deed or letter of assignment is signed?

A deed or letter of assignment allows one party to another to make a legal transfer of property. This could involve transferring ownership of assets such as land, buildings, cars and shares.

The owner of the asset gives the recipient a document called a deed or letter of appointment. These documents are usually used to appoint someone else to act on the owner’s behalf. For example, a landlord might give a tenant a deed of assignment to manage the house they rent.

If the recipient agrees to accept the property on the terms stated in the deed or letter, the transaction is complete. However, if the recipient does not agree to take over the property, the original owner cannot cancel the assignment. Instead, the original owner needs to contact HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC).

In some cases, the original owner wants to change the conditions under which the property is transferred. In those situations, the person giving the original owner the deed or letter of assignment will often sign a separate document stating what changes are made. This second document is known as a revocation clause.

Revocation clauses allow the original owner to withdraw the assignment and return the property to themselves. They do not affect the validity of the deed or letter itself. However, the original owner must send the revocation clause to HMRC within six months of assigning the property.

What other support is available to help with rising costs?

Whether you’re eligible for your Council Tax rebate or not – there are still ways to help reduce your bills. There are some things councils can do to help too, like offering discounts on energy bills, or even helping people claim tax credits. But how much money can you save? And what else might you qualify for?

The government gives councils a certain amount of money each month to help pay for local services. This is called the Council Tax Rebate. You can see exactly how much you’ll receive here. If you’re not sure whether you’re eligible, check out our guide to the different types of rebates available.

If you’ve got a spare £100, you could also ask your council to give you a discretionary grant. Discretionary grants are given to help people who don’t meet the criteria for another type of financial assistance. For example, if you live in a very remote area, you won’t be able to claim housing benefit. However, you might be able to apply for a discretionary grant.

There are many reasons why someone might not qualify for a discretionary grant. Your council will tell you whether or not you’re eligible. They might say no because you already qualify for something else. Or they might say yes because you’re one of the lucky ones who actually needs it.

You might also be able to claim additional money. For example, if your home is worth less than £125,000, you could get extra money towards your Council Tax bill.

So, if you think you’re eligible to claim anything else, speak to your council. They might be able to offer you a discount on your gas or electricity bills, or even give you a discretionary grant to help cover your Council Tax.


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