Ways to Set Your Bid Apart from the Competition or Crowd

The best way to stand out from the crowd is to make your bid unique. You want to do something different, something special, something that no one else is doing.

You must think about how you are going to present yourself. How you are going to communicate with the client? What information will you provide? What questions will you ask? Will you use videos? If so, what type of video? Is it a product demo? A presentation? An interview?

What will you say during the sales process? How will you close the deal? Do you have a closing script already written? Have you practiced it? Are you prepared to deliver on your promises?

How much money are you willing to spend? How many hours per week are you willing to work? What is your hourly rate? What is your target profit margin?

Do you have experience selling similar products/services in the same industry? What references can you provide? Can you show me some examples of your work?

If you don’t have anything to offer, why should I hire you?

Don’t just throw up a bid without thinking things through. Think about what you’re offering. And remember, there is always someone better than you. So go ahead — put down your price. But don’t forget to add value.

person holding silver fork on white paper

Graphic Design – Depict your path to success

The art of graphic design can make you stand out from the crowd and save you money. There are many ways to use graphics to enhance your proposals. You can use visual aids to clarify complicated ideas or to show how your product works.

Infographics are great for explaining complex topics or concepts. They can reduce word count while still being visually appealing. A well-designed infographic can even increase your chances of getting accepted into a program or winning a contract.

Provide Proof of Your Skills – Now is not the time for modesty!

The most important thing to remember when bidding on jobs is to show confidence and prove that you know what you’re doing. If you’ve ever been rejected for a job because you didn’t include the proper documentation, it’s easy to feel discouraged. But there’s nothing wrong with asking for help. You might even find someone willing to give you some tips. In fact, many freelancers use online communities like Upwork to network and build relationships with potential clients. Here are five ways to stand out among the competition.

1. Provide References

If you want to land a job, you’ll need to demonstrate that you’re capable of completing projects. To do that, you’ll need to provide references. Ask friends, family members, colleagues or previous employers to write glowing reviews of your work ethic and skill set. Include the contact info for each person, along with a brief description of why they think you’d make a good fit for a particular project.

2. Create a Portfolio

A portfolio is a collection of digital files that showcase your best work. For example, you could upload images of your completed projects, videos of presentations or samples of your writing. A well-designed portfolio makes it easier for prospective clients to see exactly what you can do.

3. Build Relationships With Clients

Many freelancers start off working alone. However, you’ll quickly realize that it’s much easier to complete tasks when you have access to resources. So, look for opportunities to collaborate with others. Join groups on social media where people discuss topics related to your field. Or, consider starting a blog where you post helpful articles and tutorials. These types of activities will allow you to connect with other professionals while building your reputation.

Customize the proposal — Hold a mirror up to the client.

The most important part of winning a project is getting it. There are many things that go into making sure you win a project, but one of the biggest factors is tailoring your bid to the specific requirements of the client. This is where research comes in. By researching the client beforehand, you can tailor your bid to their needs. You can use this information to make sure you’re offering what they want.

A good way to do this is by holding a mirror up to the clients. Think about how you would describe the job to someone else. What words come to mind? Do they sound like something that would interest the client? If not, why not?

If the client doesn’t understand English well, you might consider using a translator to communicate with them. But even if they speak English fluently, there could still be some misunderstandings. When you’re describing the work, think about how you would explain it to someone else. Would they understand what you mean? How much detail would you include? These questions will help you tailor your bid to the client’s needs.

Another thing to keep in mind is the client’s budget. Are they willing to spend more money on the project? If so, you might offer a discount. Or maybe you could negotiate a lower price. Either way, you’ll be able to tailor your bid to fit within their budget.

Value must be demonstrated in every nook and crevice.

The world of marketing is changing rapidly. With the rise of digital technology and social media, the way we communicate with our customers has changed dramatically. And while many businesses have adapted well to this change, others struggle.

As a marketer, it’s important to understand how to demonstrate value to your clients. You want to show them that you know your stuff, that you care about them, and that you have something worthwhile to offer. But how do you do that?

In this episode, I talk about some of the ways that marketers can demonstrate value, including:

• How to explain why you are doing what it is you are doing, rather simply stating that you will do it. • Why having a strong relationship with clients leads directly to repeat business. • What happens when you don’t provide value.

If you’d like to learn more about demonstrating value, please subscribe to my channel.

Conclusion – your next steps

You’ve worked hard to build up your client base and now it’s time to start getting paid. You’re ready to put together some proposals and make some sales. But how do you know when to stop bidding? What are the best practices for determining when to stop bidding? How do you manage your time effectively while still making sure you don’t miss opportunities? And most importantly, how do you avoid wasting money?

In this webinar, we’ll cover everything you need to know about managing your bids effectively and efficiently. We’ll discuss why you should always keep bidding until you receive a response, whether or not you should be bidding on every project, and how to set realistic expectations around your success rates.

We’ll also go over the different types of projects you might encounter when working with clients and how to determine whether or not each one is worth bidding on. Finally, we’ll talk about how to handle common mistakes like missing deadlines, failing to follow up properly and mismanaging your time.

This webinar is designed to help you learn how to use bids effectively and efficiently, saving you both time and money.


David Bowers – Director, Bid Management & Analytics

David has been helping businesses grow since 2010. He provides strategic consulting services to companies across industries including marketing, technology, finance, healthcare, manufacturing, retail, hospitality, construction, real estate and education.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Secure Government Contracts Without a Huge Bid Team

If you are a small business owner looking to compete against larger companies for federal government contracts, it might seem like a daunting task. But there are ways to make sure you stand out and win bids without having access to billions of dollars worth of funds.

The Federal Acquisition Regulation requires contractors to submit proposals that reflect the best value to the government. With limited budgets and a lot of competition, winning a bid isn’t easy. And even if you do manage to land a contract, you still face the challenge of actually fulfilling it. You need to ensure that everything goes smoothly and costs aren’t too high.

Here are some tips on securing government contracts for smaller businesses:

1. Get familiar with the process.

Before bidding on a contract, you must know what documents you need to provide and what information you need to include in your proposal. This includes things such as price lists, product descriptions, and cost estimates. You also need to understand the regulations governing the procurement process.

2. Know your competitors.

You want to come up with a strategy that allows you to differentiate yourself from your competitors. If you don’t know much about your competitors, find out as much as possible. Learn about their experience, capabilities, and strengths.

How to Become a Government Supplier in the UK

Many SMEs wonder how to become a government supplier. They think it is too complicated – I am here to tell you otherwise. You do not have to go into partnership with a big firm, nor do you have to spend thousands of pounds on expensive consultants. All you need is a few hours per month and some basic knowledge.


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