National Insurance for Independent Contractors Who Are Limited Companies

If you’re running payroll

– Payroll Software Will Calculate NI Contributions Automatically

Payroll software will automatically calculate National Insurance contributions (NI) based on your employees’ salaries. This saves you time and money, and ensures that you pay the correct amount of tax each month.

There are 2 ways to calculate NI contributions: Automatic and Manual.

Automatic NI calculations are done by the payroll system itself, and take into account changes to salary levels over time. If you choose to use automatic NI calculation, it will work out how much NI needs to be paid on behalf of your employees every month. You don’t need to do anything else.

Manual NI calculations mean that you manually enter information about your employees’ wages and hours worked into a spreadsheet. Then you add up the amounts entered and multiply by the relevant rates. Once you’ve calculated the total, you’ll need to send off the form to HMRC.

You can set up automatic NI calculations within payroll software, such as Sage 50 Accounting and Sage 300 ERP. Or you could use a third party tool like Xero, QuickBooks Online or Wave Accounting.

Employee NIC

The government announced today that it would change the National Insurance Contribution threshold for employees earning up to £962 per week. This means that from April 2020, employees earning less than £962 per week won’t pay income tax.

According to HM Revenue & Customs, the average weekly wage for full-time workers is £636.20. So, if you’re working 40 hours per week, you’ll be paying £5,872.40 each year in taxes. If you work 35 hours a week, you’ll be paid £4,732.80.

If you earn £962 per week, you’ll pay no income tax. You’ll still be required to pay national insurance contributions though.

So, what does this mean for you? Well, if you’re employed, you’ll be able to keep more money in your pocket. And if you’re self-employed, you’ll be able claim expenses like fuel, rent, etc., without having to worry about how much you owe.

But there’s one thing we’d advise against. Don’t take too long to make sure you’ve got everything sorted out. There’s a lot of paperwork involved, and you don’t want to miss out on claiming anything.

This article originally appeared on Business Insider. Follow BI Video: On Facebook


Pay Tax Based On How Much They Earn – BBC News

The government says employees must pay income tax based on what they earn rather than on the number of hours worked. This is because it wants people to take responsibility for their earnings. But some experts say it could discourage employers from hiring workers.

Income tax is charged at different rates depending on whether you earn under £150,000, £151,000 to £300,000, £301,000 to £450,000, or above £450,000.

If someone earns less than £150,000, they pay no income tax. If they earn between £150,001 and £250,000, they pay 20%. From £251,000 to £300k, they pay 40%. And those earning more than £300,000 pay 45p in every pound earned.

But the government says employees should pay tax based on how much money they make. So anyone earning more than £962 a week (£100,000 a year) will pay 2% tax on their earnings over £962.

This applies to everyone working in the UK, including self-employed people.

Some critics say the change could encourage companies to cut wages to avoid paying the extra tax.

They argue that if firms want to keep wages down, they should pay lower taxes.


Earnings tax rates vary depending where you live. Employees who earn over £9505 will pay an additional 20 per cent tax on earnings above £9500. Employers will also charge employers national insurance contributions (NICs).

Part-time workers will pay NICs at different rates depending on whether they are paid hourly or weekly. They will also pay lower rates of income tax. Self-employed people will pay income tax at a flat rate of 28 per cent.

Those earning under £11,850 will pay no income tax.

Benefits in kind

If you receive free accommodation, meals or transport because of your job, it could be considered a benefit in kind. This includes things like free gym memberships, discounted tickets to sporting events, or even a company car.

You might think that the value of the benefit doesn’t matter – after all, you don’t charge yourself for anything else you use anyway, right? Wrong. You still have to declare the benefit as a taxable benefit, and you’ll be taxed on it just like any other benefit.

This means that if you earn over £8,500 per annum, you’ll be subject to Class 1A National Insurance Contributions (NIC). If you’re a director with “a material interest in the business”, you’ll also be liable for Class 1A NIC.

The amount of NIC you owe depends on how much money you make, whether you’re a sole trader or a director, and how many people work for you.

The self-employed

Self-employment is defined as an independent worker who carries out work without a formal employment contract. This includes freelancers, contractors, sole traders, partnerships, proprietorships, etc.

A person’s salary is considered their gross income before deductions such as tax, national insurance contributions, pension contribution, etc.

For example, someone earning £20,000 per annum is paying £1,200 in class 2 NI.

Voluntary contributions

HMRC announced today that it will start accepting voluntary contributions from people who want to avoid paying tax. This follows the introduction of the Government’s “back-to-basics” approach to tax collection.

The move is aimed at helping taxpayers who don’t owe any money to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC). They’ll still have to declare income and pay any taxes due, but they won’t have to pay anything upfront.

If you’re eligible, you’ll get a letter from HMRC telling you how much you’ve paid voluntarily and what you can claim back. If you think you might be able to claim back some of the money you’ve contributed, you can ask HMRC to look into it.

You must make the payment within three months of receiving the letter. You can do this either online or via post.

There’s no limit on how many times you can contribute. However, there is a cap on how much you can claim back – £1,000 per calendar year.

If you don’t pay voluntarily, HMRC will send you a bill. You’ll have to pay up unless you prove that you’re exempt from paying tax.

This change affects everyone – even those who have already declared their income. HMRC says it doesn’t know how many people will choose to pay voluntarily, but it expects the number to increase over time.

Potential problems

The Government’s National Insurance Contributions (NIC) are due to start being paid next month. But there are some potential problems with how they work. Here’s what you need to know about NI contributions.

1. What do I need to declare?

You’ll need to report your earnings for NIC purposes on your self-assessment form. This includes salaries and wages; bonuses, commission and fees; holiday pay; overtime payments; and any other amounts you receive. You must complete the form within three months of earning it. If you don’t, you could face penalties.

2. How much does my employer contribute?

Your employer will usually make a contribution based on your salary or wage. If you earn less than £10,500 a year, your employer won’t have to make a contribution. For those earning over £11,850, your employer will normally make a contribution of 20% of your earnings up to £12,500. From £12,501 to £20,000, your employer will make a contribution of 25%. Above £20,001, your employer will make 30%.

3. Are there different rates for people aged 18-24?

Yes. Those under the age of 24 will be charged 21%, while those aged 24 and above will be charged 23%. There is no upper limit on the amount you can claim.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is being a director of a corporation equivalent to being self-employed?

The government says that directors of companies must be paid the national living wage, but what does that mean for people who work for themselves? A lot less, according to accountants.

When someone has been working on self-employed basis (as a sole trader), and their business starts to grow, the next step can sometimes be to set up a limited company. In many ways, it’s like starting a new job, but without having to pay National Insurance contributions, VAT or income tax. But how do you know whether you’re still a self-employed person or now a director of a limited firm? And does it really matter?

If you’ve worked out your own rates and taxes, and you want to keep things simple, you might decide to stick with being a self-employed person. If you want to make sure your business is treated correctly for tax purposes, however, then you’ll probably want to form a limited company.

So what’s the difference between being a self-employed individual and a director of a limited liability company?

In short, it depends on whether you consider yourself to be part owner of the company.

A limited company is owned by shareholders, rather than individuals. So, if you’re a shareholder, you become personally liable for the debts of the company.

This is why you can’t just declare your company’s money as yours on your next personal tax returns. Your company’s money becomes yours, too.

What are the primary reasons individuals choose to work through a limited liability company?

The ‘Limited Liability’ Protection

If you run a business as a limited company, it gives you certain legal protections against being held responsible for any business debts or liabilities incurred by the company. This is known as ‘limited liability’. If someone sues you personally for a debt owed by the company, you won’t be personally liable for that debt – even though you may still be found guilty of breaching any contracts entered into while running the business.

The Limited Company Structure Helps Present a Professional Image

A limited company can sometimes give a business a more formal look and feel, especially if you’re trying to project a professional image. For example, if you’re setting up a consulting business, having a limited company structure can make it easier to attract clients. You’ll probably find that potential clients prefer dealing with a limited company over a sole trader because they think it makes you seem more trustworthy and reliable.

Limited Companies Can Be Easier To Set Up And Manage

Setting up a limited company isn’t always straightforward. However, there are plenty of online resources that can help you do it quickly and easily. In addition, once you’ve got the company registered, managing it can be relatively easy too.

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