Strike off a Limited Company: Remove Your Corporation From the Companies Register

A company must apply for voluntary strike off before closing down. This process can take up to six months. If you want to do it yourself, you need to register your company online. You will need to provide information about your company’s name, address, directors, shareholders, and registered office. Once you complete the registration form, you will receive a confirmation email.

If you decide to close down your company voluntarily, you must inform Companies House within 14 days of doing so. You will need to fill out a Form VSO1 and send it to Companies House. You can find the forms here.

Once you submit the form, Companies House will check whether there are outstanding debts against your company. If there are no outstanding debts, they will issue a certificate stating that your company has closed down voluntarily.

Companies House will keep a record of your company’s closure for 10 years. After that, they will destroy the records.

How to delete your business from the Companies House Listing

A company can dissolve itself by fulfilling certain conditions. These include having no assets, liabilities or employees; being inactive for three months; and either having been wound up or dissolved. If you want to dissolve your company, you must apply to Companies House within six months of it becoming inactive. Once approved, the company cannot re-register under another name. However, the company still exists.

You do not need to keep any records after a dissolution. There are no requirements to maintain accounts or file tax returns.

Before you apply

– How to make sure you don’t accidentally break tax laws

If you are planning to strike out on your own, it pays to know what you’re getting into. You might think that starting up your own business is easy – just sign some forms and start doing whatever you want. But there are many legal requirements that you must comply with before you can open your doors for business. Here we look at how to avoid breaking the law during the process.

HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) says that around 40% of businesses fail within five years of launching. So why do so many people set up shop without knowing the rules?

The answer lies in the fact that most people assume that running a business is straightforward. They believe that once they’ve signed up to a self-assessment scheme, filled in a few forms and paid their annual subscription fee, they can simply go ahead and start making money. However, this isn’t always the case. There are lots of things that could happen along the way that could put you in hot water with HMRC.

For example, if you pay yourself too much, you could end up owing HMRC thousands of pounds. Or, if you sell goods or services to customers overseas, you could be liable for VAT. And even if you’re careful to follow the letter of the law, HMRC still has ways of catching you out. For instance, if you use software to help run your business, you could be charged for the licence fees.

So, if you’re thinking of setting up a new business, here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Get professional advice

When you’re considering whether to launch your own business, it’s important to seek expert guidance. A good accountant or lawyer will be able to advise you on the best route to take, and give you the confidence you need to move forward.

How to apply

If you want to dissolve your company, you must submit a notice to Companies House. This includes submitting the forms to the Registrar of Companies. If you are a sole director, you can do this online. If you have multiple directors, each one of you must complete a separate form. Once you’ve filled out the forms, print them and send them to Companies House. They will review your application and let you know whether you can proceed.

You can apply to strike-off the company online or on a piece of paper.

All directors need to sign the forms before they can be submitted to CompaniesHouse.

Dissolution doesn’t mean that the company won’t exist. You still have to pay taxes. In fact, you might even owe money to HMRC.

You don’t have to fill in final accounts if you’re struck-off.

The UK government has announced that it plans to introduce legislation that will require social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to remove illegal hate speech within 24 hours.

Retracting your application for dismissal

If you want to withdraw your company from being struck off, you must do so within 14 days of receiving the notice. If you don’t, the company will continue to exist indefinitely. However, if you choose to withdraw your application, there are some important things to consider.

You can either apply to cancel the registration by filing a Form DS02, or you can simply file a Notice of Intention to Dissolve. Either way, you’ll need to make sure that you’ve sent the correct paperwork to Companies House.

The process of cancelling your registration is fairly straightforward. First, you’ll need to submit a Form DS02 to Companies House. This will allow you to request that the Registrar cancel the registration. Once you’ve submitted the form, it will take up to three weeks for Companies House to respond. If they accept your request, you’ll receive a letter confirming that the registration has been cancelled.

If you decide to dissolve your company voluntarily, you’ll need to file a Notice of Intimation to Dissolve. To do this, you’ll need to complete a Form D/F, which is available online. You’ll also need to pay a fee of £60, although this does include postage costs.

Once you’ve filed the forms, it will take another week for Companies House to act upon them. They’ll usually send you confirmation via email once they’ve processed your documents.

After your company is dissolved

If you want to dissolve your company, it needs to be done correctly. If you don’t do it properly, you could face serious consequences. This article explains how to dissolve a company.

Frequently Asked Questions

Whom must I inform about the proposal to terminate the business

The directors of a company are legally responsible for what happens within it. This includes anything that could damage the company’s reputation, including fraud. If you want to make sure that everyone knows about something, you need to tell them.

This applies even if you don’t think there is any risk of harm. For example, if you propose striking off a company because you believe that the directors have been involved in fraudulent activity, you still need to send a notice to anyone who might be affected by this action.

You do not need to give written notification of your intention to strike off the company. However, you must notify Companies House within seven days of submitting the application. You cannot delay this process.

If you submit the application electronically, you must include a copy of the application and supporting documents with a cover letter explaining why you intend to apply for the strike-off.

Within seven working days of receiving a copy of the application, you must send a copy of the application to each person listed above.

Where do I send the form DS01 and cheque?

A cheque and the completed Form DS01 should be sent either by registered post or electronically to Companies House. For further information about how to complete the form please refer to our guide here.

The deadline for filing the annual return is 31 January 2018. You must file it within 14 days of completing the tax return. If you are required to file a tax return, we recommend that you contact us to confirm whether you need to file one. We cannot provide advice regarding whether you need to file a tax return.


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