Freelancers Travel Expenses: How To Claim & Who Is Eligible

Freelancers Travel Expenses: How To Claim & Who Is Eligible

Do freelancers have the right to get reimbursed for travel costs? If you’re self-employed, you may be able to claim for travel expenses such as hotels, taxis, food and drink while away from home. This includes costs associated with working abroad. If you’re employed by someone else, however, it’s likely that your employer will cover…

Bad Freelancing Habits: Things Freelancers Should Stop Doing

Bad Freelancing Habits: Things Freelancers Should Stop Doing

Freelancing is a great way to earn money while working around your personal life. But it’s important to remember that being a freelancer isn’t always easy. You are responsible for everything—from finding work to paying taxes. If you want to make sure you don’t cut short your freelance career, here are some things to avoid….

Reason to Hire Freelancers: Here are Top Reason Why You Should Hire Freelancers

Reason to Hire Freelancers: Here are Top Reason Why You Should Hire Freelancers

More people are working remotely due COVID19. This includes both full-time employees and freelancers. In fact, there are now more remote workers than ever before. This trend will continue throughout 2021. Companies are looking to fill positions fast and cheap. They want to hire someone immediately, rather than wait for candidates to apply. Many companies…

What Employees Can and Cannot Do While Furloughed: A Guide

What Employees Can and Cannot Do While Furloughed: A Guide

Employees are being told to remain calm during the coronavirus pandemic. They must be able to prove they cannot work because of the virus, otherwise they won’t qualify for furlough pay. If you do find yourself out of pocket, there are some things you shouldn’t do. You should avoid taking unnecessary risks, including working outside…

Can Freelancers Outsource Work: The Pros and Cons to Think About

Can Freelancers Outsource Work: The Pros and Cons to Think About

Can Freelancers Outsource Work? There are many ways to out source work, including through platforms such as Upwork, Fiver, Guru, etc. Freelancing allows you focus on what you love most while outsourcing work. It’s an important part of running your business and it doesn’t require a lot of capital. In fact, freelancing is one of…