Filing Tax Returns and Accounts for a Private Limited Company: A Guide

Filing Tax Returns and Accounts for a Private Limited Company: A Guide

The government has launched a new web portal where you can file your accounts and Company Tax returns online. You can use this service to file your tax return with HM Revenue & Custom. If you’re a charity or unincorporated association The Companies House Online Services are now open for charities and unincorporated associations to…

What It Means to Be an Entrepreneur and How to Get Started

What It Means to Be an Entrepreneur and How to Get Started

Entrepreneurs make decisions An entrepreneur makes crucial decisions concerning operations of the business. They make decisions about hiring, marketing, product development, sales, customer support, etc. Entrepreneurial decisions are very important because they determine whether the business succeeds or fails. If you want to become an entrepreneur, you must learn how to make good entrepreneurial decisions….

What’s the Comparison Between Contractors and Employees?

What’s the Comparison Between Contractors and Employees?

A contractor is someone who works directly for you without receiving regular compensation. They often work under a contract, which is a written agreement that outlines how much money you’ll owe them, what tasks they must complete, and how long it will take to finish those tasks. You typically hire a contractor because you don’t…

Duties of Company Director: Understanding the Main Role of Company Director in the UK

Duties of Company Director: Understanding the Main Role of Company Director in the UK

A company director owes certain duties towards the company he or she represents. These include ensuring that the company accounts are kept properly, taking reasonable care of the company’s property, paying any money due to the firm, informing the company if he or she resigns, and making sure that the directors’ meetings are held regularly….

Do You Have to Pay Tax on Your Redundancy Pay: Know Your Rights

Do You Have to Pay Tax on Your Redundancy Pay: Know Your Rights

Redundancy pay is designed to help workers cope with losing their job. In some cases it might include benefits such as pension contributions or travel expenses. But what about statutory redundancy pay? And contractual redundancy pay? How do you know if you are entitled to either type of payments? Here’s everything you need to know…

How to Register a Company Name A Small Business Guide to the United Kingdom

How to Register a Company Name A Small Business Guide to the United Kingdom

Registering a company name is one of those things that most people don’t think about doing. But registering a company name is actually quite straightforward. You just need to do it correctly. Here are some tips on how to register a company name. 1. Choose a good domain name The best way to choose a…

A Comprehensive Guide to Creating a Business Strategy & Why Do I Need Business Plan

A Comprehensive Guide to Creating a Business Strategy & Why Do I Need Business Plan

A business plan isn’t just about writing down everything that you know. It’s about thinking through what you’re trying to achieve, and why it will work. You might even consider writing a business plan as a way to test out different ideas without investing too much money upfront. Whether you’re looking to start up a…

Allowing Employees to Take Time off for Jury Duty: Do I Need To Pay Them?

Allowing Employees to Take Time off for Jury Duty: Do I Need To Pay Them?

Jury service is unpaid, but there is some compensation. If you are required to attend court proceedings, the courts provide lunch and refreshments. In addition, you can claim travel expenses if working alone. For example, if you live outside London, it costs £60 per day to travel there and back. However, employers must pay you…