How to Choose a Name for Your Business in UK (Quick Guide)

The UK government has launched a guide to help people set up a private limited company. This includes information about choosing a company name, registering it and paying corporation tax. Companies are required to keep records for seven years, so you’ll want to make sure yours lasts longer than that.

If you’re starting a company, there are some things you need to think about. These include how much money you need to start trading, what type of company structure you want to use, whether you want to pay yourself dividends and how many shares you hold.

‘Same as’ names

The name “same as” is one of the most common naming conventions used in the United States and Canada. In fact, it’s the second most popular convention behind “like.” But what does it really mean? And why do people use it?

In short, “same as” names are easy to create, and they’re popular because they allow you to combine words in interesting ways. For example, you could call your child “same as” his/her brother or sister. You might even choose a name like “same as” your best friend’s middle name.

There’s nothing wrong with using “same as,” but there are some things to keep in mind. First, you want to make sure that your baby isn’t named after someone else. Second, you want to avoid creating too many variations. If you decide to go with “same as,” try to limit yourself to one variation per name.

Here are some examples of how you can use “same as”:

• “Same as” + noun + “-er” “Like”

For example, you could name your daughter “Lily Like” or “Caitlin Like.”

• “Same as”-ing nouns “as” + verb

Other rules

Check whether the business name is registered before you start using it. If there is no record of a business name being used, you must check whether the name is already in use. For example, if you plan to open a restaurant called “The Big Apple”, you cannot do so because someone else owns the trademark for “Big Apple”.

Registering a business name is done differently depending on what type of entity you have: Sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, etc. A sole proprietorship is a form of business ownership where one person does everything – from managing finances to making decisions about hiring employees. A partnership is a legal structure where two or more people work together to run a business. Corporations are companies owned by shareholders that are legally separate entities from the owners. Limited liability companies are businesses that limit the personal liability of their owners.


The example above is a live link where we show some text on our site, followed by an image that goes to another page on our site.

This is a great way to provide a short excerpt to draw attention to something without sending people away from your site.

You can add a description to the image too – just check the box next to “Add a descriptive title”. If you want to edit the HTML directly, you can do that on the source code tab.


“How to Add a Description to Images”

In this video tutorial I’ll walk you through adding a description to images on your site.

Trading names

Businesses are allowed to use up to three different names in one application form. This includes the name of the business itself, plus any variations such as short forms, acronyms, abbreviations, initialisms, trademarks, etc. You must ensure that the name does not conflict with another registered business name. For example, if you register “The Pizza Place”, it could confuse customers into thinking that there is another pizza place called “The Pizza Place”. Therefore, you should avoid registering a name that contains a word that could cause confusion between your business name and another business.

You must also make sure that your business name does not infringe upon anyone else’s intellectual property rights. In particular, you must avoid using terms which might trigger legal action against you. For example, if someone registers the trademarked name “The Pizza Place”, you must change your business name to something else.

If you want to trade under another name, you will need a new trading name registration certificate. You can do this online via My Trade Name Registration Service.

Displaying your name

Limited companies must display their registered name on all correspondence and documents – even those sent to customers. This includes invoices, letters, emails, contracts and payment receipts. If you are a sole trader, you must display your business name, your name and your business address on all correspondence and documents too. You must also include your business name on your website.

The requirement applies to both online and offline communications. So, if you send out an email to someone, make sure it displays your company name. And don’t forget to include your company logo on your letterhead and invoice.

If you receive a document from another person, check whether the sender has included their company name. If they haven’t, ask them to amend it.

When you do not have to use ‘limited’ in your company name

The UK government announced today that it will no longer require businesses to use the term “limited”. Instead, businesses will now be allowed to choose whatever words they like to describe their type of company. This change was introduced following a consultation launched earlier this year, where people expressed concerns about how the word “limited” could mislead consumers into thinking that a company is small and therefore less trustworthy.

Businesses will still have to meet certain requirements to ensure that they remain compliant with tax law. But they won’t need to declare whether they’re limited or unlimited companies anymore. In fact, they’ll even be able to pay dividends without having to say anything about it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a famous brand name

1. Dabsco

Dabsco is a well-known brand name in the United Kingdom. It was founded in 1996 by two brothers named David and Simon. Their first product was called “The Original” and was sold only at chemists. In 1999, they launched their own website where people could buy their products online. Since then, Dabsco has grown tremendously and now sells its products in over 50 countries worldwide.

2. Natura

Natura is a well-known British company that produces natural cosmetics and skincare products. Its founder, Dr. John Chapman, started his business in London in 1875. He developed many different types of skin care products and created the world’s first anti-wrinkle cream. Today, Natura continues to produce high quality products and remains committed to developing innovative solutions for beauty and wellness.

3. Vapourisers

Vapourisers is a well-known company based in the United Kingdom. Founded in 1994, it specializes in producing e-cigarettes and vaporizers. It is known for its sleek designs and high quality components.

What is a unique brand name in UK

1. Bioness

Bioness is a company that specializes in producing high-quality cannabis seeds. Their products have been tested and proven to produce the best results. They offer their customers a wide variety of strains, including sativa, indica, hybrid, and autoflowering varieties.

2. Green House Seeds

Green house seeds is a well-known cannabis seed bank based out of Amsterdam. They sell only top quality genetics and have won many awards over the years. They are known for their innovative breeding techniques and have developed some of the strongest marijuana strains around.

3. Aroma Genetics

Aroma genetics is a relatively new company, but they already have a good reputation among growers. They specialize in feminized seeds, which means that they are guaranteed to turn female plants. These females will then produce buds that smell amazing!

4. Dutch Passion

Dutch passion is a well-known breeder of cannabis seeds who have been growing since 1985. They have become famous for their fast flowering times and strong yields. In fact, they were named after the original strain “Durban Poison”.

5. Sensi Seed Bank

Sensi seed bank is a popular breeder of medical marijuana seeds. They have a huge selection of different types of cannabis seeds, including Sativa, Indica, Autoflowering, and even Hybrids.

6. DNA Genetics

DNA genetics is yet another great company that sells high-quality cannabis seeds at affordable prices. They have a huge collection of various strains, including both auto-flowering and regular ones.

7. Greatland Seeds

Greatland seeds is a relatively new company compared to others, but they have already gained a lot of popularity. They sell a range of different types of seeds, including autoflowering, regular, and feminized.






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