Company Secretary Responsibilities: Why Do I Need One

A company secretary is usually an independent employee of the company who works alongside the board of directors and assists the board in carrying out its duties. He or she ensures that the company complies with all relevant legislation, such as accounting standards and reporting obligations, and provides legal advice. In addition, he or she helps the board to fulfil its fiduciary duty to act solely in the best interests of shareholders.

In many cases, the company secretary will work closely with the audit committee, which oversees the accounts and financial statements of the company. This includes ensuring that the annual report is accurate and complete, and that it meets the requirements of the Companies Act 2006.

The company secretary should also keep the board up to date with information regarding the company’s performance, including progress against targets set by the board.

The company secretary is responsible for maintaining records relating to the company’s affairs, including minutes of meetings, correspondence and reports. These are kept securely and stored separately from those of the board.

The role of the company secretarial profession

The company secretary is often called upon to give evidence to parliamentary committees and regulators investigating allegations of wrongdoing within companies.

He or she may also be required to attend court hearings where the company is being sued.


The term “appointee” refers to someone who is appointed to an office or position. An appointee does not necessarily have to take up the post immediately; it could be held temporarily while a decision is being made whether or not to make the person permanent. Appointees include people who work in government or public offices, such as judges, police officers, teachers, ambassadors, and civil servants. They may also be individuals who are chosen to represent a particular group or organization, such as members of parliament, sports teams, or religious groups. In some cases, an individual may be appointed to fill a vacancy left by another member of the same group. For example, if a judge leaves his or her job, the court may choose one of the sitting justices to serve as the replacement.

In addition, there are many types of appointments, including temporary ones and those that are renewable or indefinite. Temporary appointments usually involve filling in for someone else during a short period of time. Indefinite appointments are often used to allow a person to remain in a role even though he or she no longer holds the elected or appointed position.


A good honours degree is needed to enter some large companies. But what about apprenticeships and traineeships? What qualifications do you need to start work? And how much does it cost?

The Chartered Governance Institute offers three types of qualification – the Certificate in Corporate Governance, the Diploma in Corporate Governance and the Postgraduate Certificate in Corporate Governance. These qualifications cover topics such as corporate governance frameworks, risk management, board effectiveness, audit committees, remuneration and executive compensation, shareholder activism and stakeholder engagement. All three qualifications are valid for five years. They are taught by experienced practitioners and academics.

Apprenticeships and traineeship programmes are available through the Charted Governance Institute’s training schemes.

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Formal duties

The director of a company must fulfill certain formal duties. These include being aware of the company’ s policies, ensuring the safety of the company’ ers, and making sure the company complies with corporate law.

A company secretary is required to file reports with the government. This includes financial statements, annual accounts, and tax returns. They are also responsible for maintaining records of the company. Finally, the company secretary advises directors on their duties.

Additional Duties

A company secretary must comply with the additional duties imposed on them by law. These include the following:

• To keep accurate records of the company’s affairs;

• To prepare financial accounts;

• To give information to auditors;

• To submit annual returns;

• To pay taxes due;

• To report changes to shareholders and creditors;

How important is the role?

The role of the company secretary has grown in importance over recent years. In particular, it is now crucial to ensure compliance with the law. This includes ensuring that companies comply with tax laws, maintain adequate insurance coverages, protect against cyber attacks and keep up to date with regulatory changes.

A company secretary must understand the legal framework within the company – including the relevant legislation, codes of practice and guidance. He or she must also be able to communicate effectively with all stakeholders within the organisation, whether they are employees, shareholders, customers, suppliers or regulators. Finally, a company secretary must be aware of how to manage the relationship with the board and its shareholders, and act as a liaison between the board and the wider shareholder base.

Frequently Asked Questions

Exist any risks associated with becoming a corporate secretary?

A company secretary must comply with certain legal obligations under the Companies Act 2006. These include filing annual returns, keeping records and providing information about directors and shareholders. They are also responsible for ensuring that directors and shareholders comply with the law.

In addition, company secretaries are liable for any breach of duty committed by a director or shareholder. This includes failure to report a change in circumstances, making false statements or acting fraudulently. In some cases, the company secretary could even be prosecuted.

The penalties for breaching the Companies Act range from £5,000 to £50,000.

Company secretary, Does your small business need one?

The role of the company secretary is to act as the eyes and ears of the board of directors and ensure that the company operates smoothly. This includes ensuring compliance with statutory requirements, such as making sure that financial accounts are kept accurate and filed correctly; maintaining proper records; keeping minutes of meetings and correspondence; preparing reports and filing them appropriately; and providing advice to the board of directors.

A company secretary must also keep abreast of developments in legislation affecting the company, including changes to tax law, accounting standards, employment laws, etc. They should also be aware of any relevant government policies or initiatives and advise the board accordingly.

In addition, the company secretary needs to be familiar with the company’ s constitution and corporate governance documents, and make recommendations to the board where appropriate.

Finally, the company secretary needs experience in dealing with external bodies, such as auditors, accountants, solicitors, banks, regulators, HMRC, Companies House, etc., and should be able to deal with people effectively.


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