Company Secretary Responsibilities: Why Do I Need One

Company Secretary Responsibilities: Why Do I Need One

A company secretary is usually an independent employee of the company who works alongside the board of directors and assists the board in carrying out its duties. He or she ensures that the company complies with all relevant legislation, such as accounting standards and reporting obligations, and provides legal advice. In addition, he or she…

The Obligations and Responsibilities of a Company Director

The Obligations and Responsibilities of a Company Director

A company secretary is responsible for maintaining accurate records and keeping track of all company transactions, such as financial statements, tax returns and other documents related to company affairs. In addition, a company director must keep proper account of all company funds and property. He or she must ensure that any loans or advancements made…

Claiming Tax Credits: How to Apply for the Child and Working Tax Credits

Claiming Tax Credits: How to Apply for the Child and Working Tax Credits

Eligibility The government says it wants to help people struggling financially during the coronavirus pandemic. But some experts say there are many ways to qualify for the Working Tax Credit, including earning too much money. You must earn less than £3,400 ($4,300) per month in gross salary to be eligible for Working Tax Credit. If…

Claiming National Insurance back: How To Claim When Leaving UK

Claiming National Insurance back: How To Claim When Leaving UK

What is National Insurance? National insurance contributions are compulsory payments paid by everyone who earns money, regardless of age. They help fund the NHS and social care system. Students don’t have to pay NI contributions until they reach 18. This is because students are considered self-employed and therefore do not have to contribute towards social…

CIS Tax Refunds: Make Tax Payments and Seek Deductions.

CIS Tax Refunds: Make Tax Payments and Seek Deductions.

The construction industry scheme, known as the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS), allows eligible contractors to claim a tax rebate based on the value of work carried out over a period of up to three years. This includes building extensions, refurbishments and maintenance works. There are many different types of qualifying work, including public sector projects…

CIS Monthly Return: What Cis Contractors Are Required to Accomplish

CIS Monthly Return: What Cis Contractors Are Required to Accomplish

A CIS monthly return is an essential document for companies operating within the construction industry. This form must be filed every month and it allows contractors to report their income and expenses over a period of one calendar year. Contractors must complete a CIS monthly return even if they do not receive money from the…

How to Complete a Tax Return for Self-Employment

How to Complete a Tax Return for Self-Employment

How tax self assessment works Self assessment tax returns are available via HMRC’s online services. They’re free to file and there’s no deadline. You just need to make sure you complete the form correctly. If you don’t, it could cost you up to £1,000. The annual tax return must include information about your income and…